Exclusive Interview with Tonali Windslor, leader of the IM Movement
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Tonali Windslor is a political philosopher, US Military veteran, entrepreneur, and international leader of the IM Movement. His organization maintains a presence around the world and his books have been translated into more than 20 languages. He started developing his ideas back in 2009, while he was still a teenager.
Windslor was born and raised in Los Angeles, California to an upper middle class family. His father worked as a high-level government administrator and his mother was an artist. During his twenties, Windslor spent six years in the United States Army, while also earning a couple of advanced degrees. He was also involved in several business startup ventures before shifting his focus back onto politics. He is known for being an outside the box thinker with the ability to get things done.
Interviewer: What exactly is Isolation Moderation?
Tonali Windslor: Isolation Moderation is a political system that I have developed. It’s based on 5 key principles that can be implemented in any country. Like the title says, it’s moderate isolationism. Not too much, not too little. It’s basically a guidebook to show nations how to interact with other countries in the modern world. It’s full of a lot of innovative and beneficial ideas to show nations how they can be involved, while also not overextending themselves.
Interviewer: Why did you write this book?
Tonali Windslor: Well, I started writing this book back when I was 17 years old. During that time I had studied a lot of different political philosophies. I had studied the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, I had studied the Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. I had read a lot of the ancient political texts by the Greeks, and over time I was inspired to write my own political work. I started writing ideas on paper and over time it just turned into this concrete political system that I had developed.
Interviewer: What is your background? How are you qualified to write a book like this?
Tonali Windslor: Well, I have had a lot of extensive experience during my life. Military experience, business experience; I have been studying political systems since I was a teenager. I even have a degree in Diplomatic Studies. However, I think my best experience comes from starting this political movement. I have been able to work with different people and cultures all over the world and it’s given me a lot of great international experience. I have really learned what goes on in other countries, and it’s really been beneficial to what I am doing now.
Interviewer: Who was this book written for?
Tonali Windslor: I wrote this book for the general public. It was written in a simple and easy to read manner so that anyone in the world can understand the content in the book. If you wanted to be more specific, it’s probably best for people who are interested in politics, people with military experience, politicians, and diplomats.
Interviewer: Can this political system be implemented in any country?
Tonali Windslor: Yes. When I designed the political philosophy of Isolation Moderation, it was done specifically so that it could be implemented in any country in the world. Whether it’s a secular or religious society, a democratic or authoritarian government, liberal or conservative, it can be implemented anywhere. Although the system does have a concrete framework, it also has plenty of flexibility implemented into the system so that it can be easily applied in any country, regardless of their circumstance.
Interviewer: Your book is available in multiple languages. How were you able to do this?
Tonali Windslor: Over the past 3 years, I hired hundreds of independent freelancers. They have helped me create this book in a variety of ways. This has been translators, editors, video designers, book designers, media professionals. Basically everyone who has worked on this project with me has been independent in some way. They have been people who have believed in my vision and who have supported me, and have helped me get there in a variety of different ways.
Interviewer: Do you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative?
Tonali Windslor: Neither. My beliefs are completely independent. I am not associated with either liberal or conservative ideologies. If you read my books, it says in the introduction section that this political philosophy is “fairly liberal with a strong conservative streak”. You will see that there is a mix of both views in my books.
Interviewer: Are you affiliated with any political parties or political organizations?
Tonali Windslor: Not at all. The IM Movement is completely independent. We are not associated with any political parties or any other organizations. We are funded completely independently. I did all of this deliberately because I wanted to offer the world something that was new and innovative that was not tainted by the corruption of the ordinary political system. People are looking for something different and in order for that to work, it has to be separate from the current system.
Interviewer: Your goal is to change governments around the world. How exactly are you going to do this?
Tonali Windslor: Through the grassroots process. We are going to be establishing a presence in every part of the world. Anyone who wants to work with us, we are willing to work with you. The Committee for Isolation Moderation will support anyone who is willing to help advance these ideas and change governments. That is going to be through a lot of different ways. This is still the early stages, there is a lot of room to grow and a lot of room to innovate.
Interviewer: Do you think your plans are unrealistic?
Tonali Windslor: Well, not really. If you look at all the great achievements of the world, including all the great political movements, they all started with a simple idea that most people did not think was attainable. But when you have a group of committed believers who are willing to do the work to implement those ideas, they usually are able to be achieved. I have accomplished a lot over the past few years and if you think about it, most people would probably think that it was not possible to do that. But I have gotten this far and I am going to continue to do that. There is no reason why I can’t achieve what I am looking to do.
Interviewer: What kind of books do you like to read?
Tonali Windslor: Anything by Robert Greene!
Windslor continues to build his political empire, and over the next several years, he hopes to be able to change government systems throughout the world. It remains to be seen how it will turn out.