What is the IM Theory?
Posted by Tonali Windslor on

The IM Theory, also called Isolation Moderation is a foreign policy framework that was created to solve many of the challenges facing nations in the modern era. The IM Theory is a system based upon moderate isolationism that teaches nations the secrets to achieving economic prosperity, avoiding war, maintaining peace with other nations, and most importantly, developing a harmonious society. While many of these ideas are innovative and thought-provoking, similar ideas have been seen in different political philosophies throughout history such as from the ancient Greeks, Niccolo Machiavelli, Kautilya, and Sun Zu. The IM Theory is a system that can...
Exclusive Interview with Tonali Windslor, leader of the IM Movement
Posted by Low Fruit Solutions PTY LTD on

In our current unstable and chaotic world, people are desperately seeking solutions to the many challenges we face. Matters such as economic instability, political corruption, immigration, terrorism, and rapidly changing social dynamics have been a concern for many people. But now there appears to be a real solution. In recent years, a new political philosophy was developed to address these issues. It is called Isolation Moderation, also known as the IM Theory. In this exclusive interview, we sit down with the creator of Isolation Moderation to discuss his vision in more detail.Tonali Windslor is a political philosopher, US Military veteran,...
Q & A with Tonali Windslor, author of “Isolation Moderation”
Posted by Staff Member on

Entrepreneur Tonali Windslor has recently released his first book, “Isolation Moderation.” Windslor, a graduate of Norwich University with a degree in Diplomacy, has analyzed and broken down what he believes are the key positions nations must take on crucial issues in order to survive in the 21st-century globalized world. The book is broken down into five sections: Closed Borders, National Defense, Free Trade, Peaceful Relations, and Social Affairs. Why did you write this book? Ever since I was very young, I have always liked to come up with new ideas for things. When I was a teenager, I started to...
The Case for Armed Neutrality
Posted by Ash G. Witt on

Wars are costly and destructive. In war, there are few winners, as even the victors end up sustaining heavy losses in terms of life and money. Financial losses can eventually be absorbed, but no one can bring back a lost life. Civilians die during wars as much as soldiers do, and sometimes even at higher rates. A sovereign state is supposed to protect its citizens and maintain peace, but warfare does the exact opposite. Even being peaceful is not enough for a nation, as this does not necessarily ensure peace. As horrific as they are, wars have always remained an...
Isolation Moderation and Military Theory
Posted by Ash G. Witt on

This article will examine the military doctrines of Isolation Moderation alongside the teachings of past military theorists such as Sun Tzu, Kautilya, and Niccolo Machiavelli. Isolation Moderation is a modern 21st century political philosophy that provides solutions to solve some of the world’s most complex challenges. There have been many voices over the years calling for a more inward approach for nations to adhere to, but nothing concrete has emerged from them until now. Isolation Moderation gives those voices a more structured meaning, through its four key principles in how nations should navigate the international system. If the world were to...